My Media Rate Terms and Conditions

Organisation Details and vital Information: 

Stake Worldwide Ltd T/A My Media Rate is an organisation enlisted in the UK, Number 11133274. Our enrolled office address is Trym Lodge 1 Henbury Road, Westbury-On-Trym, Bristol, England, BS9 3HQ. 

We rely on these specific Terms and Conditions, as our official and complete agreement with you. By utilising our site and services you consent to the Terms and Conditions set forth here. Please read these Terms and Conditions carefully as they express the sum of your rights and our liabilities.  It is your responsibility to contact us for additional clarity if there is any point in the Terms and Conditions that you do not fully understand. 

The present Terms and Conditions govern your use of the site and the services accessible through the same website. These Terms and Conditions likewise apply even when you reach our services through another authorised agent.

We suggest you print a duplicate copy of these Terms and Conditions and retain the copy for your records.


Our Offerings

Please note these Terms and Conditions apply to any services you order or receive from us at the site.

We declare our services are accurately represented at our site.  Should you reach our services through an approved affiliate site, these terms and conditions still apply.

For services provided by others that you access through our site, their diverse terms and conditions will apply. 

When you ask for any service from us, a legally binding agreement is created between us at the first occurrence of: 

– when we receive payment from you; and 

– when we make services accessible to you. 

In the event that you make a mistake when initiating services, please get in touch with us as quickly as possible so we can assist you in correcting the error. 


Changes to the Terms and Conditions 

We reserve the right to alter these Terms and Conditions without prior notice to reflect changes to the site or services, changes in the law or our business agreements with our third party associates. 


Enrolment and Sign-In Details 

To access and begin using our services, simply accept enrolment at our site.  You create an account by entering your personal information, preferred current email address and selecting a private password. 

On the off chance that you believe someone else has gotten a hold of your login details to your private account, or you become aware of a security breach that affects the site itself, please contact us immediately.  We urge you to keep your private login details private, as we are not responsible should you through your carelessness allow unauthorised access and activity on your account. Our only liability in a breach of security is when the breach is a direct result of our carelessness. 


Third party Assignment 

We may assign this agreement to a third party service provider who will provide services that are exactly the same or similar to the ones provided by us. We will notify you by email before any transfer occurs.  Services will be at no extra cost, expense or presentation to you and the terms offered by the third party service provider will be indistinguishable from the Terms and Conditions in place at the time of contract. 

Should your account be assigned to a third party for the purpose of providing services to you, our appointee will not require any action at all from you.  We assume the obligation to notify you of the transfer. However, once the assignment is complete, the third party service provider assigned to you will contact you to discuss any specific details and arrangements from that point forward. Any further appointees will convey similar commitments. 

Any third party service provider has the full rights allocated and governed by these Terms and Conditions. 

We assure that all third-party service providers shall be consistent with their commitments toward you, just as you initially received services from us.  You shall receive every single legitimate right and service for which you qualified for initially under this agreement. You shall not be denied any avenue or strategy for protest.


Payment and Prices 

The costs for services displayed on the site are inclusive of all assessments, including VAT, which might apply. All payments will be made in pounds Sterling. 

The credit or charge cards we can accept as payment methods are shown on the site. 

You authorise us to use a Payment Service Provider (PSP) to ensure your payment card details are stored and processed securely.  By extension, you authorise the PSP to hold your card details and execute payments on our behalf or on the behalf of the third party service provider appointee to whom we have transferred your account subject to this policy. All references to “us” or “we” in this policy refer to the PSP and us where relevant. The PSP agrees to follow all information insurance and information transfer according to the legal rules and prerequisites.   You agree to approve our forwarding of your credit card information to a PSP in order you’re your payment details to be held securely, and for the PSP to handle all payments and reimbursements on our behalf. 

All membership benefit payments shall be made at the payment screen at the website via by credit or check card.  By entering your payment card details, you grant us permission to use the same payment card account information to receive your membership payments without interruption until you or we decide to terminate services. We may stop services without prior notice if we are unable to obtain monthly payment using the credit card information you supplied us.  

You are must ensure that all payment details you provide us are complete.  We are not responsible for continuing services if you submit inaccurate, obsolete or inadequate information. 

If your monthly subscription payment of £19.26 fails/is declined, we will continue to try to collect payment for your monthly subscription fee of £19.26 periodically until we succeed.

We do not consider payment to be made in full until we have collected all monies due.  We may elect not to grant access to services until we receive payment in full. We are not liable or obligated to you for any overdraft or over-limit charges you may accrue through your bank or for which your card company may assess if you have insufficient credit at the time we run our charges.

We monitor the site on a regular basis to ensure correct pricing. Costs may change upon occasion.  We will advise you ahead of time by email or by posting a notice on the site if prices have changed which affect your future payments.  We ask that you check the site frequently for any such notice. 

We may receive a commission when you purchase items or services from one of the affiliates connected to our site or who advertise on our site.  All such commissions and or expenses are fully ours to bear.  

Should you make a purchase from one of these affiliates on an on-going basis, all charges and payment terms shall be according to our affiliate’s applicable terms and conditions.  

If we transfer this contractual agreement to another professional service provider, you acknowledge the PSP holding your credit card information has your authorisation to safely and securely access your card details to collect payment for the services of the new provider.

In agreeing to these Terms and Conditions you agree to the purchase and transfer of services provided for in this agreement and any service obligations transferred to a service provider appointee to be paid for by means of your card information in the care the protected PSP. 


Cancellation of the Services 

Subscription payments paid to Your Social Bubble will be non-refundable. By giving us your payment details you agree we have continuing authority to take subscription payments from your payment card account until you or we terminate the Services.

If you want to cancel your subscription, you can contact us by email, phone, or by using the contact form, all of which can be found on our help page.

We may end your membership to the services by giving you advance notification. Such an end of services will not occur until the end of the current participation month. 

In the event that your monthly membership was previously cancelled, either by you or through the, and you re-purchase another service of same or similar type, you will pay the current costs of services according to the season of re-buying in. 

We reserve the right to contact you when a scheduled end to your membership draws near, in order to invite you to re-subscribe to services through the same or similar.  At this point, you will have the right to opt out of all further contact initiated by us. 



Agreeing to these terms gives us permission to give your payment information to a PSP third party for storage, keeping and transfer as per the agreement. We will make sure that any subsequent assignee that has access to your data has committed to the same degree of data protection that is legally required and offered by us to you, that the data is kept in Europe and regulated in compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and any other applicable laws.

We may record any phone calls to client services for review, preparation and quality purposes. 

We consider your information security important and we follow the pertinent guidelines of the UK information assurance enactment. We will utilize any data given to us by you or gathered by us during the use of our site and services solely as per our relevant Privacy Policy. 


Limits to Liability 

We invite you to contact your local Citizens Advice Bureau if you need more information regarding your rights and how those rights might be affected by these Terms and Conditions, including this segment.  We strongly encourage you to contact us specifically for assistance in the event you experience any difficulties with this site. 

Nothing in these Terms and Conditions bars or restricts our liability regarding death or individual damage caused by our carelessness, our misrepresentation, or some other issue in which would be unlawful for us to prohibit or restrict, or to attempt to prohibit or restrict, our obligations under the FMSA. 

Our liability to you excludes any business misfortunes that you may experience, including but not limited, to the loss of business information, lost income, lost benefits, business interference or diminishing asset valuations.

We are not responsible to you for damage to any hardware or software used to access our site, or to use or download our services, unless this damage was expressly caused by our negligence.

We are not responsible to you for losses you may suffer which are not directly caused by our actions or our failure to act.

We are not responsible to you for losses suffered due to any events beyond our reasonable control.

We are not responsible for any losses you suffer under any contract you have with any authorised through which you access our services and or our website.

Except as otherwise stated in these Terms & Conditions, our aggregate liability to you arising with respect to each service shall not exceed 

(1) £75 or 

(2) the then current annual fee for a subscription service, if you pay a subscription service, or a monthly fee x 12, if the sum is greater than £75. 


Appropriate Use Policy

We authorise you to access and use our website, our information and our third-party content for your personal use only.  You agree to lawful use of all materials we make available to you, and to use them without infringement on the intellectual property rights enjoyed by us or by the third parties.

Any use of our site or materials, other than that which is personal, non-commercial use, must authorised in advance and in writing by us. You may not do anything with the website except browse its contents and make use of offered services.

You are responsible to ensure your information you submit is factual, accurate, and free from viruses and other harmful code.  You must not to do anything which may potentially harm the website or damage the computer systems that host the website. You are not allowed to take any action to undermine or inhibit the use and enjoyment of the website by others.

The website contains material supplied by us and by third parties. All information made available to you in the course of delivering services has intellectual property rights attached which belong the relevant content authors or to their licencors.

None of our content or the materials provided by third parties through the website may be reproduced or redistributed without our prior written consent, with the following exception:  You are authorised to print or download a single copy of the material for your own personal, non-commercial use.


Disclaimers & Guarantees

We do our utmost to ensure the site works continuously and consistently.  However, things happen beyond our control, which affect the operation of the website.  We cannot guarantee the site operates as it should at any particular point in time. The website, or particular content within the site, may be briefly inaccessible if our computer system is undergoing repair or maintenance, or is otherwise down for any reason.

We attempt to maintain the sites and the services with reasonable care and expertise.  We guarantee that our services are accurately portrayed on the site as described in these Terms and Conditions.  

We attempt to ensure our sites and content are free from computer viruses and/or other harmful programming.  But the inherent nature of the Internet makes this impossible to guarantee. We highly recommend you use antivirus software and a good firewall to protect your information and your computer.

We use due diligence when choosing both our content and the source of our content that we offer on our site.  However, we cannot ensure all data received from other sources is correct, complete, or current.

We make no monetary promises and nothing on the site should be considered to offer any monetary, legal or other advice.  We offer content and services for informational purposes only. We do not intend that you rely on this data while making decisions.  Nothing on this site should be considered a substitute for obtaining independent legal advice. 

Aside from our extra responsibilities resulting from your rights as granted by law and from the responsibilities we specifically assume as outlined in these Terms and Conditions, we assume no other responsibilities.  Furthermore, we make no other assurances and guarantees regarding our site and services.


Grievance Policy 

We strive to maintain high standards on our website and with our services.  Unfortunately, we may fall short of meeting these standards from time to time.  Should you believe you have a valid grievance about our services or our site, please let us know by contacting us through one of the means found at our site 

Formal complaints must be submitted in writing to: 


My Media Rate Grievances c/o Stake Worldwide Ltd

Trym Lodge 1 Henbury Road, Westbury-On-Trym, Bristol, England, BS9 3HQ

We will examine all grievances and respond within 30 working days. If we require additional information, we will contact you. You have 15 days to return information we requested to have for our investigation.  If you do not deliver the necessary information within those 15 days, we will assume you are not interested in pursuing the matter and are withdrawing your grievance. 

You also agree to not represent the same or similar grievance more than once. 


Additional Information 

These Terms and Conditions constitute an agreement between you and us and frame the entire understanding between us. No one with the exception of you and us has any privilege to implement these Terms and Conditions by prudence of the Contracts (Right of Third Parties) Act 1999. 

You may not exchange the greater part of the rights, or any rights, conceded to you to some other individual under these Terms and Conditions. 

Any notice we send to you will be delivered to the most recent email we have for you. 

All correspondence between you and us must be in English. 

We may stop or change the site or the services at any time, at our complete discretion.  We will attempt to ensure that any such stoppage or change does not negatively impact or influence the services we supply to you. 

English law applies to these Terms and Conditions. In the event a dispute arises in connection with these Terms and Conditions, and you desire to pursue your options in court, you must do such in the English Courts.


Client Service: 


0130 531 3010 


Monday to Thursday: 9am-6pm 

Friday: 9am-5pm