Privacy policy

Essential Information 

You should read this privacy policy carefully. By presenting any individual data to us, we will consider you to have deliberately perused and consented to this arrangement. 

This agreement sets out the distinctive areas where client privacy is warranted and spells out the commitments and prerequisites of each party: the clients, the site and site proprietors. In addition, this agreement spells out the way this site receives, stores and secures client information and data, point by point inside this arrangement. 

My Media Rate has a need for privacy and security.  Our privacy policy is published so that you can see how we gather, utilize and ensure the individual data you provide us, so you can make on educated choices regarding services. We consistently audit our privacy policy against changes in business practices and in the law, as well as the needs of our clients. 


How We Can Use Your Information 

We use information regarding your personal preferences to determine which of our advertising options you see, what offerings we make, and for direction in tweaking our site content and design, and other uses.  These legitimate uses allow us to improve our site and tailor a better experience for our users. 

The data we collect regarding your usage of our site may be used to tailor advertising promotions for you or to advise you of various products or services we believe you will like based on your previous actions. 

Occasionally, we may also use the data we gather to notify you about important changes to our website, new services or special offers we think may interest you. 


Gathered Data

When you use this site, you supply two sorts of data:  individual information you intentionally enter and we collect on an individual basis, and site data.  Site data is aggregate data we collect from visitors regarding how they use our site. You can read more about the data we gather below:


Kinds of Personal Information: 


Email Information  

When you communicate with us through email, we may retain the substance of your email messages together along with your email address and our response.  Likewise, we may keep similar records of information we get via mail and telephone communications.


Registration Information

You furnish us with personal data when you register for any of our services, products or newsletters.


Information on Website Usage:



Our website, just like other commercial websites, makes use of standard technology known as “cookies” and web server logs to gather data concerning the utilisation of our website. (You can re-read detailed information and ‘meaning of cookies’ above.)  Data we collect from cookies and web server logs consist of the date and time of visits, pages viewed, length of time spent on our website, and which websites were visited just before and just after our website.


Access to Your Information


Data Access 

You may request access to your personal information at our disposal.  To do so, send an email request to us at the email address provided in this Privacy Policy.


Consent and Data Security 

We reserve the right to change this privacy policy at any time with or without notice. 

By using our Website you have consented to our collection and use of your personal information as described in this Privacy Policy. 

We use computers physically located in the UK to process and store your information.  Please be aware that the laws governing confidentiality and privacy may be different in the UK than where you live.  We installed the appropriate electronic, physical and administrative safeguards to protect your information and to avoid unauthorised access, as well as to maintain data accuracy and to assure proper, legal use of the data.  


Identity Verification and Fraud Prevention

We may be asked to confirm your identification.   Should we be required by legislation to do so, we will verify your personal information against the relevant third party database, comparing information such as, but not limited to, your name and address.  This may result in credit reference agencies recording our inspection of your record. We will not do a credit check and our review has no effect on your credit rating.

Any time someone provides false information regarding their identity, or at any time identity fraud is suspected or identified, we have the right and the responsibility to forward all details about this, along with the customer’s personal data, to fraud prevention agencies.  All this information will be given to law enforcement agencies as well.

Information can be accessed and used to prevent or detect crime, including fraud and money laundering.  For instance, we may verify details on applications in cases relating to credit, managing credit and credit related accounts or other facilities; recovering debt; checking details on proposals and claims for all types of insurance; and checking details of job applicants and employees. Information recorded by fraud prevention agencies can be used and accessed by us and other organisations as well.

Please contact us for further details relating to fraud prevention agency actions.


Information Access

You have the right to access to your uniquely identifiable data that we gather on the web and store in our databases.  You can make your request via writing by messaging us the email address previously provided in this Privacy Policy.


Cookie Policy 

Computer programming cookies are small files saved to a computer’s hard drive that track, save and store information about the user’s interactions on line.  We use these cookies to gather data about the user’s viewing habits so that we can optimise our site to provide the user a better, customised experience. 

Recent legislation requires websites to obtain explicit consent from users before leaving behind cookies or reading cookie files on a user’s computer or other device.   

Therefore, cookies will be used by this website via a control system that allows users to accept or deny cookies on their systems during their first visit to the website.

We use tracking software to monitor visitors and their visits to our website in order to better understand the way they use and interact with our website.   Google Analytics provides the software, which employs cookies to track visitor usage. In order to track and monitor your level of engagement and usage of our site, the software saves a cookie to your computer’s hard drive; however, no personal information will be stored. For additional information, read Google’s privacy policy.

When this website uses sponsored links, adverts and/or referral programs, outside associates may set and store other cookies on your computer’s hard drive for the purpose of measuring conversion rates and crediting referrals accurately.  These cookies usually expire after 30 days. Some last a bit longer. At no time will any of these cookies capture and store your personal information, nor can they insert any programming into your system.

Contact Us

Phone: 0130 531 3010
