Contact Us

Our team can be contacted using any of the details below but we’d first recommend looking through our Frequently Asked Questions section, to see if your answer is already there.


Phone Number: 0130 531 3010

Opening Hours:

Monday to Thursday: 9am-6pm

Friday: 9am-5pm

Message us


What can My Media Rate do to help me?

Social media has become so influential in our culture today.   It affects every area of life including your vocation, ability to obtain loans, investment opportunities and individual connections. My Media Rate offers a broad umbrella for understanding the image you’ve created and are currently projecting about yourself throughout your profiles, your posts, the time you spend in social media, the strength of your connections and much, much more.  They’ll chunk this information down to specifics for you in a point-by-point analysis of your web-based social networking. You’ll receive everything you need to intentionally craft a better image and boost your social score higher.

How can I know my social score, and what difference does it make?

My Media Rate thoroughly examines of all your online networking actions, including your social and geographic information, things you spend money and time on, the content you publish and even the words you prefer using.  Taking in all this data and more about you, we’ll compile a convenient and accurate view of the image you’ve created online about yourself. We’ll give you your social score in your comprehensive social report. This is the kind of information bosses, financial institutions and others use to evaluate how dependable, employable and trustworthy you are.  You see, they don’t necessarily trust what you tell them directly about yourself…but they do trust what they see over time when you are interacting with others via social media.

How often would I be able to see my social score?

Subscribers to the services of My Media Rate have access to their social score and dashboard analytics as often and whenever they want.  Join now and monitor your social score, all day, every day, if you like. 

I can't sign in to my account. Can you help?

If you find that you can’t sign in, you may have to reset your password. Select the link ‘Forgotten Password?’ in the sign-in window.   We’ll send you an email with instructions for resetting your password so you can access your account. If this doesn’t resolve the issue for you, contact our support department by using the contact form on this page, emailing us, or calling us on 0130 531 3010.  We are available to assist you Monday to Thursday, 9am-6pm and Friday 9am-5pm. 

Will I be able to ask for a refund?

By joining My Media Rate, you agreed to purchase a month-to-month membership for £19.26. There is no penalty for cancelling your membership and you can cancel at any time.  Membership runs from calendar month to calendar month. You are not qualified for a discount or refund for any membership expenses paid.

If I am longer interested, how do I cancel?

To stop your membership, simply sign into your account, go to your profile page, and click the option ‘Cancel My Account’.  After clicking on this link, you will be asked to confirm by clicking ‘Yes, Cancel Account.’ You have just closed your membership and you’ll receive no more charges from My Media Rate.  You can also close your account by using the contact message form on this page, emailing us at, or calling us on 0130 531 3010. Support is available Monday to Thursday, 9am-6pm and Friday 9am-5pm to assist you. 

May I change my password?

You may change your password whenever you’d like.  Simply sign into your account using your existing login information.  Go to your profile page and select the ‘Change Password’ option. Enter a new password to your likening, snap to affirm, and your ‘new’ secret password is now live.

May I change my contact or billing details?

You can update your contact or billing details by contacting our support team. Use the contact form on this page to connect; email us at; or call us at 0130 531 3010. We’re open Monday to Thursday, 9am-6pm and Friday 9am-5pm to assist you.