Cookie policy

Meaning of Cookies 

Web ‘cookies’ are little content records dropped into your browser and stored for a limited time. These digital records watch and record your activity as you explore sites. Contrary to common opinion, cookies do not contain programming code so they can’t introduce anything into your computer or harm it in any capacity. 

Cookies generally don’t contain any data that can identify unique individuals.  They contain a string of content or “one of a kind identifier” language. This acts like a name.  When a site sees the string of content it recognizes the browser as having been there previously.  In essence, since the browser is not ‘new’ the cookie makes introductions and tells the website programs to load and execute actions more quickly and intuitively. 

You can read more about cookies at 


Why We Use Cookies 

Cookie technology gives us the express benefits of: 

  • allowing us to offer you a customized and uniquely tailored experience 
  • allowing us to facilitate your access to our services in the most proficient manner 
  • allowing us to record your inclinations and preferences then customize our site in like manner

We share none of this data with third parties without your consent. 

The following constitute the majority of cookies we may drop when you visit our site, and what each cookie does: 

  • __utma, __utmb, __utmc, __utmz – These cookies empower the capacity of Google Analytics. This product aggregates guest data, including program use, new guest numbers, reaction to advertising action.  We use this information to improve our site.
  • _vis_opt_xxxxxxxi – These cookies are set by Visual Website Optimizer, which allows us to enhance the site’s accessibility and ease of use. 
  • ASP.NET_SessionId – ASP.NET issues a cookie called ASP.NET_SessionId. These cookies maintain your client session. Should you refuse this cookie, your denial may cause the application fail or fall flat. 
  • WRUID – These cookies empower the capacity of Clicktale. Clicktale helps us monitor individual interactions with our site.  We use this information to improve site content and direction. 


Third parties and Cookies 

We collaborate with third parties, some of which advertise on our site for our benefit.  Most of them use both session cookies and cookies which are persistent. All data gathered by either type of cookie is confidential and never includes personal information such as name, address, phone number, email address or payment details. You may erase the cookies set by our advertisers at any time without substantially interfering with your service delivery.  We will never reveal your personal details to others your prior, explicit authorization.


Here’s some cookie data about the cookies some third parties may employ 

DoubleClick (different) – DoubleClick is a promoting business owned by Google. DoubleClick utilize cookies to deliver adverts to third-party sites. The DoubleClick cookie provides pertinent advertisements to potential clients and gathers data regarding your viewing actions when you interact with these promotions.  We utilize DoubleClick cookies to track change.

Struq (pref) – Struq cookies gather information about how people peruse our information and information you have seen elsewhere.  Other website(s) may use this data in association with their system to serve ads that relate to items you may have viewed. Promotions will regularly incorporate a connection to Struq’s Privacy Policy page. In the event that you want to change the content of the current promotion, or to see information explaining why you were selected to view a particular ad, you can click on the blue ‘I’ symbol in the in the upper right-hand corner of each ad. 

Adform (different) – Adform’s advertising creativity is used across numerous sites to gather insights about guests and collect data for selecting what advertisements to offer a guest, based on his or her recent viewing habits. Adform utilizes a cookie system for this purpose but only on a secure basis. This implies Adform neither gathers nor stores any individual data, such as email addresses, names or addresses in the cookie or in the cookie based profile.