Raise your social score!

Strengthen your social standing!

Learn to use online networking to bolster your good fortune and increase your opportunities.  Start improving your score today 

Pay just £19.26 per month. You can opt out at any time with no penalties. 

How can I better my score right now?

#1 Complete our safe online form.

#2 Hook your dashboard up with your Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn accounts.

#3 Use the tools and information we provide to upgrade your social score

An outline of your social score 

Find out how online networking influences daily life and life’s opportunities.  With My Media Rate, it is easy to stay on top of micro changes in your social score and to act decisively to raise your social score to its maximum potential.  My Media Rate puts you back in control.

Is your social networking profile embarrassing?

Ever fear your supervisor, bank chief or authorities may disapprove of your social image and weak connections?  We can help! As the importance of social media grows, My Media Rate shows you precisely how web-based social networking influences your prospects, and then gives you the tools and guidance to take control. 

My Media Rate makes it easier than ever to take control of your social media image to enhance your score, giving you more social clout and options than ever before. We’ll break down your social score to show you what parts of your web-based social networking connections are working for you, and which ones are currently working against you.  We’ll help you discover the components of your social score and show you exactly what to do to improve your lot. 

Reinforce your social media accounts so they support you

What advantages does using My Media Rate give me? 

In a nutshell, My Media Rate offers you these advantages: 

Social media movement 

My Media Rate offers you an individual dashboard detailing all the positive and negative aspects of your social media actions to date that affect your social score.  It alerts you to actions that would potentially bite you later and make it more difficult get a better job, or secure a bank loan with good rates. It tells you when your posts send mixed messages about yourself and cause others to wonder if you are being less than genuine.  Likewise, with the convenient dashboard, you can see at a glance the geographic areas recorded for your posts, how well you are connected and your social movement. It’s a ‘moving snapshot’ of factors influencing your social score. 

Your pathway to change 

It’s never been more important to improve your social score, and never easier to do with the help of My Media Rate.  We equip you with a list of changes to make in your online profiles. Check each change off as you make it. You’ll see an instant boost to your score on your change diagram. 

Understand your online identity 

Do you really know how others view you online? We analyse everything you share on your accounts to reveal the image you really project to others.  Then we go farther to show you how others view you via web-based networking. We’ll demonstrate five key mental characteristics, your most frequently used words and your closest online connections to display the online identity you’ve built for yourself. Once you see what truly goes into to managing your social score properly, you will no longer be at the mercy of what ‘they’ think.  You can take control of your social media life to be who you were meant to be.

Everything you must know about social media

My Media Rate gives you five simple to read guides, created by industry specialists, instructing you about the fundamentals of social scoring. You can become an online networking master! Use our guidance to jettison weak or outright damaging information, strengthen your connections and finally get access to better opportunities. You’ll soon discover how to increase your social score and keep it strong.

Enjoy the benefits of good social media management today